scala programming language

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Scala !
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Scala is essentially the C++ of high level (ergo, memory managed) languages on the JVM. It supports many paradigms equally, and due to this, it has sacrificed the “simplicity” of the language. Even though a lot of scala proponents argue that the language is simple due to having less keywords, this is somewhat misleading, as its the combination of varying programming paradigms which causes Scala to be quite a complex language.
One good way to think of Scala is its like a static version of ruby, that has an emphasis on functional aspects (immutable data types, using things like map/flatmap/fold etc etc to transform through various data structures). The language is designed to be clear and concise, with various implicit techniques to help simplify common tasks (have a look at the scala’s collection library, i.e. its ability to automatically convert the returning data type according to what methods you use on the collection, this also being statically verified). Ontop of that, it still fully supports java style imperative “OO” programming. Long story short, instead of a language like Haskell (which forces you to be “pure” throughout your entire codebase), or a language like java, which due to its language design of being as simple as possible in terms of expressiveness due to readability reasons, ends up being very verbose for simple problems, Scala’s approach is to mix and match these various techniques to help solve your problem as well as possibleIn terms of actual practical use, there are a few glaring issues which prevent scala from being as strong as it truly can be. IDE support is still not as good as java (and because we are dealing with a strongly typed static language, we do want to use an IDE, as it gives us refactoring, autocompletion, etc etc). IDE support is tradeoff of being fast and quite useless (Eclipse) vs slow and quite useful (IntelliJ). I personally use IntelliJ, and even though its a fantastic IDE, for our current website which only has around 20k LOC, the IDE lags and is slow in regards to typing.

Scala  is an object-functional programming language for general software applications. Scala has full support for functional programming and a very strong static type system. This allows programs written in Scala to be very concise and thus smaller in size than other general-purpose programming languages. Many of Scala's design decisions were inspired by criticism of the shortcomings of Java.

Scala source code is intended to be compiled to Java bytecode, so that the resulting executable code runs on a Java virtual machine. Java libraries may be used directly in Scala code and vice versa (language interoperability). Like Java, Scala is object-oriented, and uses a curly-brace syntax reminiscent of the C programming language. Unlike Java, Scala has many features of functional programming languages like Scheme, Standard ML and Haskell, including currying, type inference, immutability, lazy evaluation, and pattern matching. It also has an advanced type system supporting algebraic data types, covariance and contravariance, higher-order types, and anonymous types. Other features of Scala not present in Java include operator overloading, optional parameters, named parameters, raw strings, and no checked exceptions.

The design of Scala started in 2001 at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) by Martin Odersky, following on from work on Funnel, a programming language combining ideas from functional programming and Petri nets.Odersky had previously worked on Generic Java and javac, Sun's Java compiler.

After an internal release in late 2003, Scala was released publicly in early 2004 on the Java platform,and on the .NET platform in June 2004.A second version (v2.0) followed in March 2006. The .NET support was officially dropped in 2012.

Although Scala had extensive support for functional programming from the beginning, Java remained a purely object oriented language until the introduction of lambda expressions with Java 8 in 2014.

Scala runs on the Java platform (Java Virtual Machine) and is compatible with existing Java programs. It also runs on Android smartphones.

The Scala software distribution, including compiler and libraries, is released under a BSD license.

Scala is often compared with Groovy and Clojure, two other programming languages also using the JVM. Substantial differences between these languages are found in the type system, in the extent to which each language supports object-oriented and functional programming, and in the similarity of their syntax to the syntax of Java.

Scala is statically typed, while both Groovy and Clojure are dynamically typed. This makes the type system more complex and difficult to understand but allows almost all type errors to be caught at compile-time and can result in significantly faster execution. By contrast, dynamic typing requires more testing to ensure program correctness and is generally slower in order to allow greater programming flexibility and simplicity. In regard to speed differences, current versions of Groovy and Clojure allow for optional type annotations to help programs avoid the overhead of dynamic typing in cases where types are practically static. This overhead is further reduced when using recent versions of the JVM, which has been enhanced with an "invoke dynamic" instruction for methods that are defined with dynamically typed arguments. These advances reduce the speed gap between static and dynamic typing, although a statically typed language, like Scala, is still the preferred choice when execution efficiency is very important.

In regard to programming paradigms, Scala inherits the object-oriented model of Java and extends it in various ways. Groovy, while also strongly object-oriented is more focused in reducing verbosity. In Clojure, object-oriented programming is deemphasised with functional programming being the primary strength of the language. Scala also has many functional programming facilities, including features found in advanced functional languages like Haskell, and tries to be agnostic between the two paradigms, letting the developer choose between the two paradigms or, more frequently, some combination thereof.

In regard to syntax similarity with Java, Scala inherits a lot of Java's syntax, as is the case with Groovy. Clojure on the other hand follows the Lisp syntax, which is different in both appearance and philosophy. However, learning Scala is also considered difficult because of its many advanced features. This is not the case with Groovy, despite the fact that it is also a feature-rich language, mainly because it was designed to be primarily a scripting language.

Scala has the same compilation model as Java and C#, namely separate compilation and dynamic class loading, so that Scala code can call Java libraries, or .NET libraries in the .NET implementation.

Scala's operational characteristics are the same as Java's. The Scala compiler generates byte code that is nearly identical to that generated by the Java compiler. In fact, Scala code can be decompiled to readable Java code, with the exception of certain constructor operations. To the JVM, Scala code and Java code are indistinguishable. The only difference is a single extra runtime library, scala-library.jar.

Scala adds a large number of features compared with Java, and has some fundamental differences in its underlying model of expressions and types, which make the language theoretically cleaner and eliminate a number of "corner cases" in Java. From the Scala perspective, this is practically important because a number of additional features in Scala are also available in C#.

A Scalable language
Scala is an acronym for “Scalable Language”. This means that Scala grows with you. You can play with it by typing one-line expressions and observing the results. But you can also rely on it for large mission critical systems, as many companies, including Twitter, LinkedIn, or Intel do.

To some, Scala feels like a scripting language. Its syntax is concise and low ceremony; its types get out of the way because the compiler can infer them. There’s a REPL and IDE worksheets for quick feedback. Developers like it so much that Scala won the ScriptBowl contest at the 2012 JavaOne conference.

At the same time, Scala is the preferred workhorse language for many mission critical server systems. The generated code is on a par with Java’s and its precise typing means that many problems are caught at compile-time rather than after deployment.

At the root, the language’s scalability is the result of a careful integration of object-oriented and functional language concepts.

Scala is a pure-bred object-oriented language. Conceptually, every value is an object and every operation is a method-call. The language supports advanced component architectures through classes and traits.

Many traditional design patterns in other languages are already natively supported. For instance, singletons are supported through object definitions and visitors are supported through pattern matching. Using implicit classes, Scala even allows you to add new operations to existing classes, no matter whether they come from Scala or Java!

Even though its syntax is fairly conventional, Scala is also a full-blown functional language. It has everything you would expect, including first-class functions, a library with efficient immutable data structures, and a general preference of immutability over mutation.

Unlike with many traditional functional languages, Scala allows a gradual, easy migration to a more functional style. You can start to use it as a “Java without semicolons”. Over time, you can progress to gradually eliminate mutable state in your applications, phasing in safe functional composition patterns instead. As Scala programmers we believe that this progression is often a good idea. At the same time, Scala is not opinionated; you can use it with any style you prefer.

Seamless Java Interop
Scala runs on the JVM. Java and Scala classes can be freely mixed, no matter whether they reside in different projects or in the same. They can even mutually refer to each other, the Scala compiler contains a subset of a Java compiler to make sense of such recursive dependencies.

Java libraries, frameworks and tools are all available. Build tools like ant or maven, IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ, or Netbeans, frameworks like Spring or Hibernate all work seamlessly with Scala. Scala runs on all common JVMs and also on Android.

The Scala community is an important part of the Java ecosystem. Popular Scala frameworks, including Akka, Finagle, and the Play web framework include dual APIs for Java and Scala.

Functions are Objects
Scala’s approach is to develop a small set of core constructs that can be combined in flexible ways. This applies also to its object-oriented and functional natures. Features from both sides are unified to a degree where Functional and Object-oriented can be seen as two sides of the same coin.

Some examples: Functions in Scala are objects. The function type is just a regular class. The algebraic data types found in languages such as Haskell, F# or ML are modelled in Scala as class hierarchies. Pattern matching is possible over arbitrary classes.

Scala particularly shines when it comes to scalable server software that makes use of concurrent and synchronous processing, parallel utilization of multiple cores, and distributed processing in the cloud.

Its functional nature makes it easier to write safe and performant multi-threaded code. There’s typically less reliance on mutable state and Scala’s futures and actors provide powerful tools for organizing concurrent system at a high-level of abstraction.

Maybe most important is that programming in Scala tends to be very enjoyable. No boilerplate, rapid iteration, but at the same time the safety of a strong static type system. As Graham Tackley from the Guardian says: “We’ve found that Scala has enabled us to deliver things faster with less code. It’s reinvigorated the team.”

scala programming language
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